Foam Flower – Tiarella cordifolia

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: NO


Appearance: Tiarella cordifolia is a herbaceous perennial known for its low, spreading growth habit and spikes of small, white to pale pink flowers.

Leaves: The leaves are deeply lobed and often have a distinctive reddish-brown pattern.

Flowers: The plant produces spikes of small, white to pale pink, star-shaped flowers.

Habitat: It is commonly found in moist woodlands and along stream banks.

Distribution: Foamflower is native to eastern North America.

Planted in the fern area

Mayapple – Podophyllum peltatum

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: NO


Appearance: Podophyllum peltatum is a herbaceous perennial known for its large, umbrella-like leaves and single, nodding white flower.

Leaves: The leaves are deeply lobed, resembling a closed umbrella.

Flowers: The plant produces a single, nodding white flower with six petals.

Habitat: It is commonly found in rich, moist woodlands.

Distribution: Mayapple is native to eastern North America.

Planted throughout all the wooded areas.

Virginia Spring Beauty – Claytonia virginica

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: NO


Appearance: Claytonia virginica is a herbaceous perennial known for its delicate, pink to white, star-shaped flowers and linear leaves.

Leaves: The leaves are linear or lance-shaped and emerge from a basal rosette.

Flowers: The plant produces small, pink to white, five-petaled flowers with pink stripes.

Habitat: It is commonly found in woodlands and moist, shaded areas.

Distribution: Virginia springbeauty is native to eastern North America.

Planted in back 40 and in the fern area and the large brush island

Blue Lobelia – Lobelia siphilitica

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Lobelia siphilitica is a herbaceous perennial known for its tall spikes of bright blue, tubular flowers.

Leaves: The leaves are lance-shaped and arranged alternately along the stem.

Flowers: The plant produces tall spikes of bright blue, tubular flowers with a distinctive lower lip.

Habitat: It is commonly found in wetlands, along stream banks, and in damp meadows.

Distribution: Great blue lobelia is native to eastern North America.

Found near the lower wetter areas around the property

Spikenard – Aralia racemosa

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Aralia racemosa is a tall, herbaceous perennial known for its compound leaves and clusters of small, white flowers.

Leaves: The leaves are compound, with multiple leaflets arranged along a central stem.

Flowers: The plant produces clusters of small, white, five-petaled flowers in terminal panicles.

Habitat: It is commonly found in woodlands and shaded areas.

Distribution: American spikenard is native to eastern North America.

Found in the wooded areas – particularly the large brush island