Sneezeweed – Helenium autumnale

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES

: Helenium autumnale is a herbaceous perennial known for its tall stems and bright yellow to orange-red flowers.

Leaves: The leaves are lance-shaped and alternate along the stem.

Flowers: The plant produces daisy-like flowers with yellow to orange-red petals and dark brown centers.

Habitat: It is commonly found in wet meadows and along stream banks.

Distribution: Common sneezeweed is native to North America.

Found along the crick.

Smooth Oxeye – Heliopsis helianthoides

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: NO


Appearance: Heliopsis helianthoides is a herbaceous perennial known for its yellow, daisy-like flowers and rough, toothed leaves.

Leaves: The leaves are rough to the touch, lance-shaped, and serrated along the edges.

Flowers: The plant produces bright yellow, daisy-like flowers with dark brown centers.

Habitat: It is commonly found in prairies, meadows, and open woodlands.

Distribution: False sunflower is native to North America.

Found in the prairie areas

Calico Aster – Symphyotrichum lateriflorum

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Symphyotrichum lateriflorum is a herbaceous perennial known for its small, white to pale pink flowers with yellow centers.

Leaves: The leaves are lance-shaped and arranged alternately along the stem.

Flowers: The plant produces small, white to pale pink, daisy-like flowers with yellow centers. The flowers are often arranged in a panicle.

Habitat: It is commonly found in woodlands and along the edges of wetlands.

Distribution: Calico aster is native to North America.

Found naturally throughout the property in wetter grassy areas and wood edges.

Greater Fringed Gentian – Gentianopsis crinita

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: NO


Appearance: Gentianopsis crinita is a herbaceous perennial known for its striking, deep blue, fringed flowers.

Leaves: The leaves are lance-shaped and arranged oppositely on the stem.

Flowers: The plant produces showy, deep blue, fringed flowers with a funnel-like shape.

Habitat: It is commonly found in moist meadows and along streambanks.

Distribution: Fringed gentian is native to North America.

Seeded near crick in the moist grassy area

Prairie Ironweed – Vernonia fasciculata

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: NO

Appearance: Vernonia fasciculata is a tall, herbaceous perennial known for its purple to violet, densely clustered flowers.

Leaves: The leaves are lance-shaped and often have serrated edges.

Flowers: The plant produces dense clusters of small, purple to violet, tubular flowers.

Habitat: It is commonly found in moist meadows, prairies, and open woodlands.

Distribution: Common ironweed is native to North America.

Found in prairie area

Missouri Goldenrod – Solidago missouriensis

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Solidago missouriensis is a herbaceous perennial known for its tall, slender stems and bright yellow, plume-like flower heads.

Leaves: The leaves are lance-shaped and often have serrated edges.

Flowers: The plant produces bright yellow, plume-like flower heads in dense clusters.

Habitat: It is commonly found in prairies, meadows, and open areas.

Distribution: Missouri goldenrod is native to North America.

Found naturally throughout the property in the prairie and other grassy areas.

Flat-Topped White Aster – Doellingeria umbellata

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Doellingeria umbellata is a herbaceous perennial known for its flat-topped clusters of small, white to pale purple flowers.

Leaves: The leaves are lance-shaped and arranged alternately along the stem.

Flowers: The plant produces flat-topped clusters of small, white to pale purple, daisy-like flowers.

Habitat: It is commonly found in woodlands, meadows, and along stream banks.

Distribution: Flat-topped aster is native to North America.

Found throughout property

Gray Goldenrod – Solidago nemoralis

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Solidago nemoralis is a herbaceous perennial known for its grayish-green foliage and bright yellow, plume-like flower heads.

Leaves: The leaves are linear and often have a grayish-green tint.

Flowers: The plant produces bright yellow, plume-like flower heads in dense clusters.

Habitat: It is commonly found in dry, open areas, including prairies and rocky slopes.

Distribution: Gray goldenrod is native to North America.

Found in prairie areas

Biennial Gaura – Oenothera gaura

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: NO


Appearance: Oenothera gaura is a biennial or short-lived perennial known for its tall spikes of pink to white flowers.

Leaves: The leaves are lance-shaped and often have serrated edges.

Flowers: The plant produces tall spikes of pink to white, four-petaled flowers.

Habitat: It is commonly found in open woodlands and prairies.

Distribution: Biennial gaura is native to North America.

Seeded in new prairie forbes patch

Blanketflower – Gaillardia aristata

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: NO


Appearance: Gaillardia aristata is a herbaceous perennial known for its showy, daisy-like flowers with red or orange centers and yellow to reddish-orange outer petals.

Leaves: The leaves are lance-shaped and often have toothed edges.

Flowers: The plant produces large, daisy-like flowers with a reddish central disk and yellow to reddish-orange outer petals.

Habitat: It is commonly found in prairies, meadows, and open areas.

Distribution: Blanket flower is native to North America.

Seeded in prairie areas