Arrowleaf Aster (Symphyotrichum urophyllum)

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Symphyotrichum urophyllum is a herbaceous perennial known for its lance-shaped leaves and clusters of white to pale blue flowers.

Leaves: The leaves are lance-shaped and typically toothed.

Flowers: The plant produces clusters of white to pale blue, daisy-like flowers with yellow centers.

Habitat: It is commonly found in open woodlands and meadows.

Distribution: White arrowleaf aster is native to North America.

Found throughout the property

Annual Fleabane (Erigeron annuus)

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Erigeron annuus is a herbaceous annual or biennial known for its slender stems and small, daisy-like flowers.

Leaves: The leaves are lance-shaped and alternate along the stems.

Flowers: The plant produces small, daisy-like flowers with numerous white to pinkish-purple petals.

Habitat: It is commonly found in open fields, meadows, and disturbed areas.

Distribution: Eastern daisy fleabane is native to North America.

Found throughout the property

Giant Goldenrod (Solidago gigantea)

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Solidago gigantea is a tall, herbaceous perennial known for its golden-yellow flower clusters and lance-shaped leaves.

Leaves: The leaves are lance-shaped and serrated along the edges.

Flowers: The plant produces large, dense clusters of small, bright yellow flowers.

Habitat: It is commonly found in meadows, open woodlands, and along roadsides.

Distribution: Giant goldenrod is native to North America.

Found in former field areas

Stiff Sunflower (Helianthus pauciflorus)

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Helianthus pauciflorus is a tall, herbaceous perennial known for its large, showy sunflower-like flowers and rough leaves.

Leaves: The leaves are rough to the touch, lance-shaped, and arranged alternately along the stem.

Flowers: The plant produces large, yellow sunflower-like flowers with multiple petals and a dark central disk.

Habitat: It is commonly found in prairies, open woodlands, and along roadsides.

Distribution: Stiff sunflower is native to North America.

Found in original prairie

Prairie Dropseed (Sporobolus heterolepis)

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: NO


Appearance: Sporobolus heterolepis is a native grass known for its fine-textured leaves and airy seed heads.

Leaves: The leaves are fine-textured and often have a bluish-green tint.

Flowers: The plant produces delicate, airy seed heads with small, oblong spikelets.

Habitat: It is commonly found in prairies, grasslands, and open woodlands.

Distribution: Prairie dropseed is native to North America.

Growing in original prairie area

False Solomon’s Seal (Maianthemum racemosum)

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Maianthemum racemosum is a woodland perennial known for its arching stems and clusters of small, white flowers.

Leaves: The leaves are lance-shaped and alternate along the stems.

Flowers: The plant produces clusters of small, white, star-shaped flowers that resemble those of true Solomon’s seal.

Fruit: It bears small, red berries.

Habitat: It is commonly found in woodlands and shaded areas.

Distribution: False Solomon’s seal is native to North America.

Found in the woods

Canada Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis)

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Solidago canadensis is a herbaceous perennial known for its tall stature, lance-shaped leaves, and golden-yellow flower clusters.

Leaves: The leaves are lance-shaped and serrated along the edges.

Flowers: The plant produces dense clusters of small, bright yellow flowers.

Habitat: It is commonly found in meadows, fields, and along roadsides.

Distribution: Canada goldenrod is native to North America.

Widespread throughout the property

Diamond Willow (Salix planifolia)

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Salix planifolia is a deciduous shrub known for its lance-shaped leaves and slender, flexible branches.

Leaves: The leaves are lance-shaped, with serrated margins.

Flowers: The plant produces inconspicuous catkins.

Habitat: It is commonly found in wetlands, including swamps and along stream banks.

Distribution: Diamond willow is native to North America.

Found in marshy areas