Junegrass (Koeleria macrantha)

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Koeleria macrantha is a native grass known for its fine-textured leaves and open, delicate seed heads.

Leaves: The leaves are fine-textured and often have a bluish-green tint.

Flowers: The plant produces delicate seed heads with small, awnless seeds.

Habitat: It is commonly found in prairies, open grasslands, and dry slopes.

Distribution: Prairie junegrass is native to North America.

Found throughout grass areas

Fowl Manna Grass (Glyceria striata)

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Glyceria striata is a grass species known for its tall, slender stems and open, nodding flower heads.

Leaves: The leaves are long and narrow, typical of grasses.

Flowers: The plant produces open, nodding flower heads with slender spikelets.

Habitat: It is commonly found in wetlands, including marshes and along stream banks.

Distribution: Fowl manna grass is native to North America.

Found on wood edges

Prairie Dropseed (Sporobolus heterolepis)

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: NO


Appearance: Sporobolus heterolepis is a native grass known for its fine-textured leaves and airy seed heads.

Leaves: The leaves are fine-textured and often have a bluish-green tint.

Flowers: The plant produces delicate, airy seed heads with small, oblong spikelets.

Habitat: It is commonly found in prairies, grasslands, and open woodlands.

Distribution: Prairie dropseed is native to North America.

Growing in original prairie area

Wild Rice (Zizania palustris)

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Zizania palustris is an aquatic grass known for its tall, slender stems and long, narrow leaves.

Leaves: The leaves are long, narrow, and typically float on the water’s surface.

Flowers: The plant produces inconspicuous flowers on long, drooping stems.

Fruit: It bears edible, oblong grains that are a valuable food source for wildlife.

Habitat: It is commonly found in freshwater wetlands and marshes.

Distribution: Wild rice is native to North America and is an important cultural and ecological species.

In the back 40 pond

Plantain-Leaved Sedge (Carex plantaginea)

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: NO


Appearance: Carex plantaginea is a grass-like perennial known for its wide, strap-like leaves and inconspicuous brownish flowers.

Leaves: The leaves are wide, strap-like, and resemble plantain leaves.

Flowers: The plant produces inconspicuous, brownish flowers on long stems.

Habitat: It is commonly found in woodlands, especially in moist, shaded areas.

Distribution: Plantain-leaved sedge is native to eastern North America.

Planted in brush island and fern area woods.

Wiegand’s Wild Rye – Elymus wiegandii

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Elymus wiegandii is a cool-season grass known for its slender, upright stems and spike-like seed heads.

Leaves: The leaves are narrow and linear, typical of grasses.

Flowers: The plant produces spike-like seed heads with small, pale-colored spikelets.

Habitat: It is commonly found in grasslands and open areas.

Distribution: Wiegand’s wildrye is native to North America.

Found in large brush island

Old-pasture Bluegrass – Poa saltuensis

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Poa saltuensis is a grass species often found in saline or brackish environments.

Leaves: The leaves are narrow and grass-like.

Flowers: The plant produces small, inconspicuous flowers.

Habitat: It is commonly found in salt marshes and coastal areas with high salinity.

Distribution: Salt marsh bluegrass is native to North America.

Found in back 40 woods

Bottlebrush Grass – Elymus hystrix

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Bottlebrush grass is a native perennial grass known for its distinctive seed heads.

Leaves: The leaves are long and linear with a bluish-green color.

Seed Heads: The seed heads are bottlebrush-shaped and have long awns, giving them a unique appearance.

Habitat: It is typically found in woodlands and shaded areas.

Distribution: This species is native to eastern and central North America.

Found in wooded areas or woods edges.

Indian Grass – Sorghastrum nutans

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: NO


Appearance: Sorghastrum nutans is a native warm-season grass known for its tall, bunching growth habit.

Leaves: The leaves are long and narrow, with a prominent midrib. They typically turn golden in the fall.

Flowers: The plant produces feathery, golden-brown flower heads with a distinctive shape.

Habitat: It is commonly found in prairies, meadows, and open woodlands.

Distribution: Indian grass is native to eastern and central North America.

Found in the prairie section and the south east field

Indian Cord Grass – Spartina pectinata

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: NO


Appearance: Spartina pectinata is a tall, perennial grass known for its robust growth and feathery flower spikes.

Leaves: The leaves are long, narrow, and often have serrated edges.

Flowers: The plant produces feathery, elongated flower spikes that can be brownish or purplish.

Habitat: It is commonly found in wetlands, including marshes, along streambanks, and in moist meadows.

Found along the marshy grass areas on the west side of the property