Prairie Phlox – Phlox pilosa

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Phlox pilosa is a herbaceous perennial known for its clusters of pink to lavender, tubular flowers and opposite leaves.

Leaves: The leaves are opposite, lance-shaped, and covered in fine hairs.

Flowers: The plant produces clusters of pink to lavender, tubular flowers.

Habitat: It is commonly found in prairies and open woodlands.

Distribution: Downy phlox is native to North America.

Found in prairie section and meadow along crick.

Common Cinquefoil – Potentilla simplex

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Potentilla simplex is a low-growing, herbaceous perennial known for its palmately compound leaves and clusters of yellow, five-petaled flowers.

Leaves: The leaves are palmately compound with typically five leaflets.

Flowers: The plant produces clusters of yellow, five-petaled flowers.

Fruits: It forms small, dry, and persistent achenes.

Habitat: It is commonly found in open fields, meadows, and along roadsides.

Distribution: Common cinquefoil is native to North America.

Found in several places throughout the property

Small Yellow Lady’s Slipper – Cypripedium parviflorum var. makasin

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: NO


Appearance: Cypripedium parviflorum var. makasin is a terrestrial orchid known for its large, yellow, pouch-shaped flowers.

Leaves: The plant has lance-shaped leaves arranged alternately along the stem.

Flowers: It produces large, yellow, pouch-shaped flowers with distinctive petals and sepals.

Habitat: It is commonly found in moist woodlands and wetlands.

Distribution: Greater yellow lady’s slipper is native to North America.

Found in several places throughout the property

Showy Orchis – Galearis spectabilis

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Galearis spectabilis is a terrestrial orchid known for its spikes of small, pink to purple, orchid-like flowers.

Leaves: The plant has basal leaves that are typically oval in shape.

Flowers: It produces spikes of small, pink to purple, orchid-like flowers.

Habitat: It is commonly found in moist woodlands and shaded areas.

Distribution: Showy orchis is native to North America.

Widespread throughout the woods

Bottle Gentian -Gentiana andrewsii

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Gentiana andrewsii is a herbaceous perennial known for its closed, bottle-shaped, blue to purple flowers.

Leaves: The leaves are opposite, lance-shaped, and typically dark green.

Flowers: It produces closed, bottle-shaped, blue to purple flowers.

Habitat: It is commonly found in wet meadows and prairies.

Distribution: Bottle gentian is native to North America.

Both a white and a blue version are found in the marsh edges along the crick

Downy Gentian – Gentiana puberulenta

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: NO


Appearance: Gentiana puberulenta is a herbaceous perennial known for its tubular, blue to purple flowers.

Leaves: The leaves are opposite and lance-shaped.

Flowers: It produces tubular, blue to purple flowers with a slightly downy texture.

Habitat: It is commonly found in wet meadows and along stream banks.

Distribution: Downy gentian is native to North America.

Found in the prairie section

Prairie Onion – Allium stellatum

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Allium stellatum is a bulbous perennial known for its clusters of pink to lavender, star-shaped flowers.

Leaves: The plant has linear leaves that arise from the base.

Flowers: It produces clusters of pink to lavender, star-shaped flowers in umbels.

Habitat: It is commonly found in prairies and open fields.

Distribution: Prairie onion is native to North America.

Found in the prairie section

Common Boneset – Eupatorium perfoliatum

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Eupatorium perfoliatum is a herbaceous perennial known for its clusters of white, fluffy flowers and opposite, perfoliate leaves.

Leaves: The leaves are opposite, united around the stem, and have a perfoliate (stem-piercing) appearance.

Flowers: It produces clusters of small, white, fluffy flowers.

Habitat: It is commonly found in wet meadows and along stream banks.

Distribution: Boneset is native to North America.

Found naturally throughout the property in the prairie and other grassy areas.

Blue Vervain – Verbena hastata

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: YES


Appearance: Verbena hastata is a herbaceous perennial known for its spikes of small, tubular, blue to purple flowers.

Leaves: The leaves are lance-shaped and typically toothed along the margins.

Flowers: It produces spikes of small, tubular, blue to purple flowers.

Habitat: It is commonly found in wet meadows and along stream banks.

Distribution: Blue vervain is native to North America.

Found naturally throughout the property in the prairie and other grassy areas.

Grey-Headed Coneflower – Ratibida pinnata

Native To State: YES
Naturally Occurring: NO


Appearance: Ratibida pinnata is a herbaceous perennial known for its yellow, drooping ray flowers and prominent cone-shaped disk.

Leaves: The leaves are pinnately divided and deeply lobed.

Flowers: It produces yellow, drooping ray flowers around a prominent cone-shaped disk.

Habitat: It is commonly found in prairies and open woodlands.

Distribution: Yellow coneflower is native to North America.

Well established in the prairie section